Namangan State University students will have their internship in Azerbaijan and Germany

Thanks to the efforts of Senator Nosirbek Abdullahanov and Gurbankhan Muslimov from Azerbaijan, the best students of Namangan State University in 3-4 courses will undergo internships in developed higher education institutions and medical clinics of Azerbaijan and Germany.

A delegation from Namangan region led by Nosirbek Abdullahanov, a member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, recently visited Azerbaijan and met with the leadership of the Topchubashev Research and Surgery Center and the Baku Central Clinic.

As a practical manifestation of this cooperation, a senior researcher of the Department of Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas Surgery of the Azerbaijan Scientific Center of Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbankhan Muslimov paid a visit Namangan region and held a series of meetings and workshops.

In particular, the governor of Namangan region Shavkatjon Abdurazakov received a senior researcher of the Department of Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas Surgery of the Azerbaijan Scientific Center of Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbankhan Muslimov.

Additionally, Professor G.Muslimov visited Namangan State University and provided a master class for medical students where he displayed a video tutorial of a surgery to treat endocrine disorders. He shared his experience, giving detailed information about the news in this area.

An experienced doctor organized a master class with university professors. During the training, the expert answered questions from colleagues and students from Namangan.

Gurbankhan Fatali oglu Muslimov was also awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Namangan State University.