National Machine Cluster program will be developed

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on February 14 to canvass priorities in the automotive industry.

The development strategy aims to proliferate production by 1.4 times, exports by 2 times and increase the level of localization through further development of cooperation in the automotive industry.

The President, first of all, paid attention to the needs of the population.

He instructed to abate the amount of prepayment for cars from 85% to 50% and completely eliminate queues for the purchase of cars by May 1. Customers who are currently in the queue will be notified with the exact date of delivery of the car.

In order to meet domestic demand, it is necessary to manufacture 160,000 cars in the first half of the year and 275,000 by the end of the year.

The government has been instructed to halve customs duty rates on imported cars in order to elevate supply in the market and give our people a choice.

This year, 23 projects are planned to produce 600 types of components. As a result, the localization rate will increase from 48% to 56%. It will also invest $ 336 million US to launch two new car models and a state-of-the-art engine.

The meeting also considered about the export plans of the industry.

The President noted that these plans are less than the existing opportunities and made recommendations for entering new markets. In particular, according to report, the volume of exports could reach at least $ 500 million US in 2022 due to the expansion of sales of components through major retail chains.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev stressed the need to develop the engineering sector in the form of an industrial cluster. This system covers the chain "engineering - components - finished product - sales and service, which unites 8 machine-building enterprises, more than 300 components manufacturers, logistics, trade and service networks in domestic and foreign markets, Turin Polytechnic and Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institutions for a common goal.

As a result, the government was instructed with developing a "national machinery cluster" program.