Negotiations between the delegations of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan took place in an expanded format

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev held talks in an expanded format with the participation of delegations from the two countries.

Opening the meeting, the head of our state noted that Azerbaijan is a close friend and time-tested reliable strategic partner of Uzbekistan.

The two countries share a common religion, spiritual values, similar traditions, language and culture.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed deep satisfaction with the achieved level of mutually beneficial cooperation, the strengthening bonds of friendship and mutual understanding between our countries. He reaffirmed his commitment to further building up the Uzbek-Azerbaijani strategic partnership and filling it with new practical content.

The President of Uzbekistan noted that it is necessary to use the existing huge potential for cooperation, use the factors of complementarity of the economies of the two countries.

In particular, they were invited to increase the volume of mutual trade, expand industrial cooperation, implement a number of projects in machine-building, electrical engineering, textile, wine-making, food, construction, oil and gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, agro-industrial and other industries. An agreement was reached to create a joint Investment Fund in order to develop and promote promising cooperation projects in our countries.

During the talks, a number of other agreements were reached aimed at strengthening cultural and humanitarian ties, in particular, on holding the Days of Culture and Cinema, strengthening contacts between universities, scientific institutions, sports and youth organizations.