New road and interchange opened in Tashkent

On the days of the holy holiday of Ramadan Hayit, a new road and interchange were put into operation in Tashkent. On May 3, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with these transport infrastructure facilities.

Construction began in August 2020. As part of the project, a six-lane highway with a length of 6.5 kilometers and an interchange with 6 exits were built. As a result, an effective connection of Kipchak Street, Sergeli District, with Chuponot and Usman Nosir Streets, Yakkasaray District, was achieved.

Prior to this, drivers traveling from the Sergeli district to the city center mainly used one road - Yangi Sergeli Street. This road, designed to pass 4 thousand cars per hour, was actually used several times more than its capacity, long traffic jams formed on it in the morning and evening.

The new road has a capacity of up to 12,000 vehicles per hour. This will eliminate the problem of congestion and create greater convenience for the residents of the capital.

Interchanges, ramps and exits are intelligently designed and connected to existing roads without traffic lights. As a result, vehicles can merge into the stream without stopping.

As you know, the nationwide project "Yashil Makon" is being implemented in our country. It is aimed not only at planting trees, but also at preserving the environment. As a result of the opening of the new road, harmful emissions will be reduced by 3 times.

Along the road, energy-saving lamps and supports for the vine were installed. Green areas have been created on free plots, sidewalks and bicycle paths have been laid.

A presentation of proposals for the construction of roads in Tashkent and the improvement of the city's transport system was also held here. In continuation of the road opened today, a project for the construction of a 6-kilometer track to the ring road bypassing the Sergeli district was approved.

The head of state pointed out the need to pay more attention to increasing the capacity of roads.

- Not everywhere you can build or expand the road. Much depends on the correct organization of the movement. It is necessary to create convenience for the population through increasing digitalization, increasing the capacity of roads, intersections, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.