One-time financial assistance is provided to citizens in need of social protection

The President adopted a Decree "On additional measures for targeted support of vulnerable groups".

According to the Decree, one-time material assistance will be provided to the following segments of the population in need of social protection:

Recipients of old-age disability pensions and benefits, each family member receiving a disability pension and survivor's pension and a survivor's pension, and recipients of care allowances for children under 18 years of age with a disability in need of care:

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions - 300 thousand UZS;

In Tashkent - 400 thousand UZS.

The information system "Single Register of Social Protection" provides 200,000 UZS to low-income families receiving financial assistance and to each child under 18 years of age from low-income families receiving child benefits.
One-time financial assistance is paid to each category of persons entitled to one-time financial assistance in several categories.

Citizens who are temporarily absent from their homes or who do not receive one-time benefits on time due to other reasons are entitled to receive unpaid benefits until September 1, 2022.

According to the Decree, a list of needy families included in the "Iron Notebook" and not receiving one-time financial assistance will be formed, and each member of these families will be given 20 kilograms of flour free of charge.