Organization of Turkic States approves Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan alliance agreement

Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Baghdad Amreev expressed gratitude for raising the strategic relations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to the level of allies by signing the corresponding Declaration on December 6.

"This historic event is a vivid example of the brotherhood of the Turkic peoples, linked by centuries of friendship and good neighborliness, a common language, history and great cultural heritage. Kazakh-Uzbek allied relations are, without a doubt, the historical decision of the presidents and the political will of the two brotherly states, aimed at creating a belt of stability and security in the Central Asian region, "Amreev said.

The organization belives that the new level of relations between the two countries will strengthen the all-round cooperation between them, and will also contribute to even greater integration and expansion of relations between the Turkic countries and will serve as an important step towards the unity and solidarity of all states.