Parliamental cooperation of Uzbekistan and Korea

Within the framework of the visit of the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Park Byung Suk to the Republic of Uzbekistan, the guest met with the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanziley Narbaeva.


During the meeting, it was noted that the heads of both states attach great importance to the expansion of bilateral cooperation between the countries. Over the past years, as a result of the reforms carried out under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a new stage has been reached in the development of the Uzbek-Korean strategic and allied partnership.


During the meeting, the head of the upper house of parliament T. Narbaeva noted that cooperation between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Korea is developing within the framework of a new agenda of bilateral interaction. Since 2005, the inter-parliamentary group of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for cooperation with the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea has been successfully functioning, the head of which is the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate S.Safoev.


The parties positively assessed the results of the effective work of the inter-parliamentary group. Currently, purposeful work is underway to enhance its role in the development of interregional cooperation.


The issues of development and expansion of cooperation were also considered. Among them are the implementation of the agreements reached between our heads of state, the development of relations between specialized committees, international parliamentary structures and organizations, the establishment of interregional cooperation between deputies, the active formation of a legal framework, ensuring the implementation of practical measures aimed at mitigating the negative consequences of the pandemic and other issues.