Presentation of projects in the field of water use

On June 8, 2022, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized with a presentation on projects to modernize reservoirs and refine drinking water supply in Surkhandarya region.

Rivers and streams are important sources of agriculture, energy and livelihoods. In Uzbekistan, this precious blessing is conserved and directed to the interests of the people.

To this end, in 2017, Uzbekhydroenergo JSC was established in connection with the Presidential Decree. Last year, 4 more reservoirs were transferred to the management of this society, and they reached 6. The technical condition of each reservoir was inspected with the involvement of foreign companies and urgent repairs were identified, according to which, dams, water intake and drainage facilities are being repaired, pumping units are being restored.

The presentation provided background information about this work and the tasks ahead.

The President instructed to increase safety by modernizing all reservoirs, upgrading hydromechanical equipment and measuring devices, and digitizing the system.

This will connect the entire business process online to the company's situational analysis center and generate an additional 120 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

In addition, 2 new small hydropower plants with an annual capacity of 22 million kilowatt hours will be built in Hisorak and Ahangaran reservoirs.
The Space Research and Technology Agency has been tasked with monitoring the condition of the reservoirs and providing space photography and data.
The tasks was set to involve the private sector in the construction of small hydropower plants and to trainspecialists with higher and secondary education.

One of the factors in the quality of life and health of the population is clean drinking water. Today, however, only 58 percent of Surkhandarya's population has access to centralized drinking water. The amount of water mineralization is high in the southern districts of the region and in the city of Termez.

Therefore, last year the President launched an initiative to build a network from the Topalang Reservoir. The project has been developed and launched. To date, 47 kilometers of pipes have been laid and drinking water has been transported to the center of Sariosiyo. Delivery to Denau and Shurchi districts is planned by the end of the year.

According to the project, 200,000 cubic meters of water will be treated per day, and about 400 kilometers of main pipelines will be laid. As a result, 90 percent of the region's population will have access to safe drinking water.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev stressed the need to restore pipelines within districts and mahallas, build new networks and provide quality services.