President Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the Second International Forum of Northern Economic Cooperation

In his welcoming speech, Shavkat Mirziyoyev thanked President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae In for the invitation to take part in this important event dedicated to jointly overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and expanding partnerships.

“We in Uzbekistan highly appreciate the “New Northern Policy” of the President of the Republic of Korea, aimed at ensuring security and deepening multifaceted cooperation in the vast Eurasian space,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

During his speech, the head of state dwelled on the most important aspects of regional policy and prospects for interaction, the presidential press service reports.

In particular, they talked about the coronavirus pandemic, the global spread of which showed the need for close coordination and broad international cooperation of the states of the region.

A proposal was voiced to continue joint work in the following areas:

- development of effective vaccines and serums, systems for rapid and accurate diagnosis of diseases on the basis of a pharmaceutical cluster created in cooperation with Korean companies;

- organization of modern laboratories and modernization of sanitary control points at our borders;

- training of doctors-epidemiologists and virologists with the participation of leading universities of the Republic of Korea;

- creation of enterprises for the disposal of medical waste;

- introduction of an integrated system for monitoring and early forecasting of the epidemiological situation in the region.

Uzbekistan views the Republic of Korea as one of the key conductors of digital and green technologies to the country. Currently, dozens of large projects in high-tech industries are being implemented in Uzbekistan with the participation of leading Korean companies and banks.

- We intend to continue to comprehensively support and encourage the activities of Korean investors. We are also ready to take an active part in the International Summit of Partnership for Green Development and Global Goals until 2030 in the city of Seoul,

 - said the head of state.

It was also emphasized that the consistent implementation of the "New Northern Policy" outlined the urgency of the development of efficient regional transport corridors.

First of all, the matter concerns the pairing of the routes of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the corridor "Western Europe - Western China" with the projects of new railways in the region.

Under these conditions, the Korean Peninsula can become the most important communication bridge connecting the Pacific region with the countries of Central and South Asia.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to consider these unique opportunities at the expert level.

The important role of the Central Asia-Republic of Korea Forum in strengthening partnership was also noted. Within its framework, new initiatives and projects are being implemented, mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of investment, innovation, transport, healthcare, education and culture is expanding.

“At the same time, today there is an objective need to bring our interaction to a new, higher level and hold a Forum meeting with the participation of the heads of government of our states. I am convinced that together we will turn the Central Asia - Republic of Korea Forum into an effective mechanism for promoting priority programs and projects, the President noted.

It was emphasized that Uzbekistan fully supports the active efforts of President Moon Jae-in to achieve lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula and considers them as an important contribution to ensuring regional and global security.

- We have a unique experience in Central Asia in creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone. The corresponding Treaty initiated by Uzbekistan went through a complex process of coordination between the participants, and received the necessary guarantees from the largest nuclear powers. Today it is an effective political and legal mechanism for ensuring nuclear safety in Central Asia. For a wide exchange of experience, we propose to hold an International Expert Forum on nuclear disarmament, the creation of zones free of nuclear weapons, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
