Prospects of Uzbek-Lithuanian cooperation

On June 15, a meeting was held between the representative of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists in Central Asia and Representative of the Lithuanian Carriers Association “LINAVA”, Andrius Burba, and the Vice-Minister of Transport of Uzbekistan, Abdusamat Abduvakhitovich Mimonov.

During the negotiations, the current state and future plans of cooperation were discussed.

The meeting, organized by the Diplomatic Club Astana with the assistance of the Embassies of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan, was held within the framework of the business community in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

"In recent years, Uzbekistan has achieved great results in the development of local business. The quality of goods has reached a high level, so our investors could enter Uzbekistan, creating common companies, but Lithuania can also be a window for Uzbekistan under the European Union. Therefore, common projects and cooperation in this industry could be even closer, as the experience of Lithuania can be adopted, because we have moved from the Soviet Union to a market economy", - Andius Burba.

Following the negotiations, the parties agreed to exchange information on the issues in the transport sector raised during the negotiations. The role of further building and deepening ties in increasing bilateral cooperation on a wide range of issues of mutual interest was noted.