Russia announced sanctions in response to the United States

The United States of America imposed a number of new sanctions against Russia, consequently Russian Foreign Ministry has published retaliatory measures. The Foreign Ministry noted that the retaliatory measures are sympathetic to the latest sanctions.

On April 15 this year, the United States introduced new sanctions against Russia, in particular, 10 employees are expelled from the Russian diplomatic mission. In response to this statement, 10 American diplomats will be expelled, as well as sanctions will be imposed on 8 officials of the US presidential administration: the US attorney general, the director of national intelligence, the FBI director, the secretary of homeland security, the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the adviser to the president of the United States on domestic policy and ex-Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan Rice; former CIA Director Robert Woolsey; and former National Security Adviser to Donald Trump, John Bolton.

A complete list of Russia's retaliatory sanctions against the United States is published on RIA Novosti.