Shavkat Mirziyoyev: The more prosperous makhallas, the more the prosperous the country

The President got acquainted with the life in the makhalla “Dustlik” located in Yangihayot district.

The makhalla is place for 11 multi-storey apartments with over 4 thousand population. There are a vocational college, preschool, pharmacies, shops and convenience stores.

In the past, this place was a bit neglected. Last year, the area was improved as part of the program "Obod Mahalla". A children's playground, a sports field, shops and home-based shops have been introduced.

President reviewed this creative work. The makhalla chairman spoke with the assistant khokim.

“Uzbek people deserve to live in such a prosperous and beautiful place. That is the purpose of the work in the makhalla. Now it is intended to create a strong atmosphere, good neighborliness and harmony. It is possible to organize events in line with our national values”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The new building of the Citizens' Assembly hosted a meeting with community activists and luminaries.

"This is the land of the state. The more prosperous makhallas, the more the prosperous the country. You see, the times are dangerous. Just as there is no family without hardship, there is no state without hardship. We, too, are carrying out our plans with patience, knowledge, hard work and effort”, President stressed.

Under the new system, assistant khokims and youth leaders have been appointed in 30 makhallas of Yangihayot district.

"In the past, people had to go to the authorities and write letters. Today there are representatives of the President in every makhalla. Now, they need to study housing, help families in need, provide vocational training for the unemployed, provide soft loans and subsidies”, said the President.