Sherzod Ikramovich Asadov appointed as Deputy Head of Administration and Press Secretary of the President

At a meeting chaired by the President of Uzbekistan on Wednesday, Shavkat Mirziyoyev introduced the new deputy head of administration, press secretary of the President, Sherzod Ikramovich Asadov. The appointment decree was signed on March 24

He has a lot of experience, I have experienced him many times. Now we need such educated people. He knows both the external and the internal world. Sherzod Asadov will be personally responsible for the implementation of the state's information policy. He will evaluate the work of all state, economic organizations and khokimiyats in the media sphere, as well as be responsible for the development of state and non-state media and the improvement of their activities ... It is necessary to compare with the past period, to convey to people the current fair policy, "the president said.

The head of state also instructed Sherzod Asadov to coordinate the activities of press secretaries of all departments and khokimiyats.
Previously, Sherzod Asadov worked as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. He also served as Uzbekistan's ambassador to Austria and the country's permanent representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other international organizations in Vienna.