Сonsidered projects implemented in the Kashkadarya region and the electric power industry

On March 15, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of investment projects that are planned to be implemented in the Kashkadarya region and the power industry.

Kashkadarya region has a high potential in all sectors. The region possesses the necessary raw materials and infrastructure for industry, water and land resources and experience for agriculture. In this regard, the main "points of growth" of the region are the textile industry, the building materials industry, the chemical and food industries, tourism, viticulture, horticulture and animal husbandry.
For implementation this year, 1,125 projects worth 11,300 billion have been formed. In particular, it is planned to create 296 industrial enterprises, 449 enterprises in the service sector and 380 enterprises in agriculture. Particular attention is paid to economic efficiency and employment. Future enterprises will be able to produce products for more than 6 trillion soums per year. This will provide import substitution for $ 131 million and exports for $ 180 million. It is planned to provide jobs for more than 19 thousand people.

During the presentation, the projects that are scheduled to be implemented in 2021 in the electric power industry were also considered.
As you know, the demand of the population and the economy for electricity is growing every year. Outdated substations and transmission networks are being modernized to meet this demand.
In particular, 6 projects are planned for the amount of 140 million dollars this year. Among them is a project to modernize 14 substations. As a result, 1,430 MW of additional capacity will appear in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions. Moreover, electricity losses at these substations will be reduced by $ 1.5 million and maintenance costs by almost $ 16 million per year. Errors in the accounting system will disappear.
The remaining 5 projects are aimed at the construction of new substations, the laying and restoration of main power transmission lines.

Emphasizing the economic efficiency and social significance of these projects, the President gave instructions on high-quality implementation and increasing the stability of power supply.