A meeting of the Coordination Council for the accounting of the CIS member states was held

The 17th meeting of the Coordinating Council for Accounting of the CIS Member States (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Council) was held in the format of a videoconference. The Coordination Council has been operating since May 25, 2000 and in 2020 celebrates its 20th anniversary.

The XVII meeting of the Coordination Council was attended by members of the Coordination Council - representatives of bodies authorized by the CIS member states that regulate accounting and audit issues (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) and representatives of the CIS Executive Committee.

Specialists from the Department of Accounting and Auditing Methodology of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the work of the Coordinating Council.

At the XVII meeting of the Coordination Council, topical issues of accounting and audit were considered, including the experience of applying International Financial Reporting Standards and International Auditing Standards, as well as the development of national accounting and auditing systems in the CIS member states.

The Coordination Council made appropriate decisions on all the issues considered.

Source: https://www.mf.uz/ru