Suma Chakrabarti got acquainted with the reforms in the banking system of Uzbekistan

Chairman of the Central Bank Mamarizo Nurmuratov met with the Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on economic development, effective management and international cooperation Suma Chakrabarti, the press service of the regulator reports.

During the conversation, the Chairman of the Central Bank spoke about the current monetary policy and reforms in the country's banking sector. It was noted that, despite the global coronavirus pandemic that has engulfed the world's leading economies, the regulator will continue reforms in accordance with the previously approved action plan.

In addition, taking into account the situation in the world associated with the pandemic, the bank approved the "Main directions of monetary policy for 2021 and the period 2022-2023", according to which forecasts of macroeconomic development are developed on the basis of 3 scenarios - the main, optimistic and risky ...

The meeting participants paid special attention to the issues of expanding cooperation in the field of reforming the banking sector. In particular, it was noted that at the first stage, the transformation of the banking system is planned by improving corporate governance. At the second stage, it is planned to carry out comprehensive measures for the financial rehabilitation of banks, after which a phased privatization is planned with the withdrawal of the state share.

In this process, priority will be given to strategic investors who will be able to continue the initiated structural transformations.

Suma Chakrabarti highly appreciated the work done by the Central Bank in the field of monetary policy and the banking sector, expressed readiness to support joint work on the planned reforms.
