Tanzila Narbaeva: Not only the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also other responsible organizations should deal with the problem of crime prevention

The seventeenth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis took place today. The President of the Senate expressed her opinion on the information of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the state of offenses.

–Work to strengthen work on crime prevention is carried out in the context of makhallas. In almost half of the mahallas, no crimes were committed. This has never happened in the history of our country. Now, in connection with the growth of legal culture and incomes of the population, thanks to the efforts of the organizations of the system, positive results are being achieved. But our demand is that there is no crime in all makhallas, ”Tanzila Narbaeva said.

According to Tanzila Narbaeva, the problem of preventing violations should be dealt with not only by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also by the Ministry of Health, to support the mahalla and family, as well as many other responsible organizations.