Telegram offers a paid subscription

The company announced on its blog the launch of Telegram Premium, in which the active audience of the messenger reached 700 million users.
For now, only iPhone users can purchase Telegram Premium. Of course, after installing the latest update, a section about paid subscriptions will appear in the settings of the iOS version of the app. Payment is made through Apple's App Store account. This means that in Russia, users must first top up their App Store accounts from their mobile phone accounts, as linking the cards to the account no longer works.
In Russia, a subscription costs 449 rubles a month, while in other countries it costs $ 4.99 or 5.69 euros, depending on the state. Telegram Premium is not yet available for Android and PC versions.
Telegram Premium includes almost no new features - mainly cosmetic changes such as easing restrictions for advanced users. Thus, the number of channels and group chats that paid subscribers can participate in (up to 1000), the number of chats attached to the top of the screen (up to 10), the number of favorite GIFs and stickers (more) doubled (up to 400 and 10) ), the number of folders with chats they can create (up to 20, up to 200 chats each), increasing the length of text in the profile description (up to 140).