The creation of the resort has been accelerated

The Governing Council for the Accelerated Implementation of the Construction Project and Commissioning of the International All-Season Resort "Beldersay-Chimgan-Nanai" held its first meeting.

It was organized by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures for the development of tourism infrastructure in mountainous areas" dated September 17, 2020. The main tasks are the implementation of a set of measures to organize the effective functioning of the resort, coordination of the activities of the responsible government bodies, local executive authorities, business associations and authorized organizations, assistance in registering applicants as participants in the Charvak free tourist zone, providing practical assistance in the implementation of investment projects and others.

The meeting was chaired by the co-chairs of the council - Deputy Prime Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sardor Umurzakov and Aziz Abdukhakimov. The participants discussed priority issues for the project, including the completion of the feasibility study according to the master plan prepared by the consortium of French companies Geode, Manie Lives, Egis, Patriarche, Epode with the assistance of the French Research Foundation and Aid to the Private Sector (FASEP). The tasks related to financing, organizing the activities of the project office and the development of engineering and communication infrastructure in the Bostanlyk district of the Tashkent region were also considered.

The creation of the international all-season resort "Beldersay-Chimgan-Nanai" will allow the development of capital investments in the amount of up to $ 500 million, give impetus to the development of the tourism sector and enhance its attractiveness for investors. The entire infrastructure of the region, including utilities and road transport, will be completely transformed.

 It is necessary to ensure the attraction of domestic and foreign investors for the development of the resort, in particular, within the framework of the "Road-show" and advertising among the business community in foreign countries. According to the press service of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, this constant work is entrusted to the shoulders of responsible leaders, the embassies of Uzbekistan and local authorities.