The current head of the Olympic Council of Asia, Raja Randhir Singh, has arrived in Tashkent

On May 6, Tashkent will host a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the NOC of Uzbekistan. The guest of honor of these events, the current head of the OCA, Raja Randhir Singh, arrived in Tashkent.

The distinguished guest was welcomed at the Tashkent International Airport named after Islam Karimov by Minister of Sports Development Adham Ikramov, Vice President of the Olympic Council of Asia Otabek Umarov, Secretary General of the NOC of Uzbekistan Oybek Kasimov and Deputy Chairman of the Committee Azizjon Kamilov.

“We are here to hold a regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan with our friends. At the meeting of the Executive Committee, we will discuss plans for the upcoming Asian Games. We will discuss the prospects of the Olympic movement on our continent. First of all, I would like to congratulate President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the achievements of your country in the field of sports. We have very close cooperation with the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan. During our visit, we will also discuss plans for the IV Asian Youth Games in Tashkent in 2025”, said Raja Randhir Singh.

It should be noted that the meeting of the Executive Committee of the OCA is being held in Tashkent for the first time. It will discuss the organization of the Hangzhou-2022 Asian Games, Shantou-2021 III Asian Youth Games. The agenda of the meeting also includes a presentation of the preparations for the IV Asian Youth Games "Tashkent-2025". Representatives of about 30 countries will take part in the event, which will discuss important issues of sports on the continent.