The EU and Uzbekistan: Launched a multi-year indicative program

On March 10, 2022, Tashkent hosted a conference on the launch of a new EU Multi-Year Indicative Program for Uzbekistan for 2021-2027. Sardor Umurzakov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, and the EU Commissioner for International Cooperation Jutta Urpilainen welcomed the participants.

The event was attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, EU Ambassador Charlotte Adrian, heads of key ministries and departments of Uzbekistan, international organizations and diplomatic missions of the EU in Uzbekistan.

In his address, Sardor Umurzakov noted Uzbekistan's long-term, multifaceted and dynamically developing cooperation with the EU member states, and thanked the EU for its assistance in implementing large-scale structural reforms and socio-economic projects in Uzbekistan.

During the event, the main directions of further expansion of bilateral financial and technical cooperation with the European Commission in the framework of the next program for 2021-2027 were canvassed. The new indicative program will initially provide € 83 million for 2021-2024, including € 76 million for joint projects and programs to support technical assistance and the budget, as well as € 7 million to support civil society and human rights activities.

It was noted that the priorities of the program fully correspond to the main tasks set out in the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.