The European Union invited the President of the United States to its summit for the first time

The US President will take part in the EU summit that starts on Thursday . Both the Joe Biden administration and Brussels see this as another step towards a rapid resurgence of America's and Europe's allies, which have suffered markedly during the four years of Donald Trump's presidency.

The fact that Biden was invited to the EU summit was announced yesterday by the President of the European Council Charles Michel.
"It's time to rebuild our transatlantic alliance" Michelle tweeted.

The White House announced in a press release that at the summit , Biden will "get in touch with EU leaders to discuss his desire to revitalize the US-EU relationship, cooperate in the fight against the pandemic and climate change, and deepen that relationship between the world's two largest partners in trade and investment. "

Biden's participation in the EU summit will facilitate the fact that the summit will be held via videoconference due to the pandemic. The new US president will join this conference on Thursday evening.
Joe Biden and members of his administration have repeatedly spoken about their intention to end the legacy of Donald Trump, who, with his disparaging comments about European allies and unilateral, often indiscriminate foreign policy actions, has significantly spoiled relations with Europe.
"I am sending a clear message to the world: America is back. The Transatlantic Alliance is back. The United States is committed to working with Europe again, to consult with you, and to regain its status as a trusted leader," Biden announced in February at the Munich Security Conference (which also took place by video).

Among the topics of the conversation between Biden and the leaders of the EU countries, as the White House promises, will also be the coordination of policies towards China and Russia.
The day before, Western countries demonstrated the return of the transatlantic alliance with a joint foreign policy action: the United States and the European Union, as well as Canada and Britain, in a coordinated manner, imposed sanctions against Chinese officials for reprisals against the Uighurs in Xinjiang province.