The first gas was delivered to Europe via the Southern Gas Corridor

Today, the Trans-Adriatic Gas Pipeline (TAP), the last segment of the Southern Gas Corridor, has begun transporting commercial gas from Azerbaijan for commercial purposes.

For the first time in history, Azerbaijan managed to export its natural gas to the European market via pipelines. Following the successful connection of TAP to the Italian gas distribution network, on 15 November, commercial natural gas was delivered today to Italy via the SNAM Rete Gas (SRG) gas distribution network from Melendugno and to Greece and Bulgaria via DESFA from Nea Mesimvria.

With direct access to the European gas market, which is the largest importer of natural gas in the world, Azerbaijan has diversified its export opportunities. This not only increases the value of the country's economy but also strengthens the economic independence of Azerbaijan.

SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayev said: “On this historic day, I would like to thank the partner countries and companies that created the TAP and Shah Deniz-2 projects, the Southern Gas Corridor and, for the first time in history, contributed to the supply of Azerbaijani gas to the European market.

We express our deep gratitude to the experts, all our colleagues, financial institutions that support this project, and residents of the settlements through which our pipelines pass.

Successfully participating in all segments of the Southern Gas Corridor, SOCAR and Azerbaijani oilmen, who have successfully accomplished this historic mission, pay tribute to the peoples of the European Union and the people of Azerbaijan, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the author and driving force of this great project. I congratulate you!

Seven years ago, we made the final investment decision with our partners and hit the road by signing 25-year gas purchase agreements with European gas distribution companies.

The construction of three interconnected gas pipelines with a length of 3,500 km, which some considered impossible at the time, has already been completed. Today Azerbaijani gas is in Europe.

Europe will strengthen its energy security by purchasing natural gas from a new source via an alternative route. The fall in production in Europe creates a need for additional volumes of gas on the market, and Azerbaijani gas will help meet this need.

Thus, the importance of Azerbaijan for the old continent will increase”.

Luca Schieppati, TAP Managing Director, commented on the historic event: “Today is a historic day for our project, as well as for the countries through which the pipeline passes and the energy landscape in Europe. TAP is an integral part of the continent's gas network and contributes to the energy transit roadmap. We offer a reliable, direct, and convenient transport route to Southeast Europe and other countries”.  

The second stage of marketing research to further expand the TAP and increase the throughput of the gas pipeline to 20 billion cubic meters will begin in the summer of 2021.
