The First International Pharmaceutical Forum has started in Tashkent

The First International Pharmaceutical Forum organized by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency, as well as the Association of Representations of Foreign Pharmaceutical Companies and Manufacturers in the Republic of Uzbekistan kicked off on 15 June at the Hyatt Regency Tashkent Hotel in Tashkent.

The forum is aimed at supporting local manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, increasing the volume of localization and export of pharmaceutical products, attracting foreign companies to implement joint investment projects in Uzbekistan. The event is designed to become a platform for the exchange of best practices and practices, innovative methods and technologies between local and foreign manufacturers, regulators, retailers and pharmaceutical market professionals.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the forum, the speakers noted that over the past 5 years, more than 100 investment projects worth about $ 500 million have been launched in the country, 65 of which were organized with the participation of foreign investors. As a result, the volume of pharmaceutical production increased 2.5 times, and the volume of exports increased almost 5 times. More than 7,000 new jobs have been created. The forum is attended by more than 100 representatives of leading domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, heads of relevant ministries and departments, foreign diplomatic missions, as well as representatives of major pharmacy chains and distributors.

The forum will continue on June 15 and 16. The First International Exhibition of Medicinal Plant Products "Avicenna Heritage" will be held on June 17 in Samarkand by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture, reflecting the legacy of the famous Uzbek scientist Abu Ali ibn Sino.