The first transit cargo from India to Uzbekistan was sent via Afghanistan

An Indian trader has sent the first transit shipment to Uzbekistan via Pakistan and Afghanistan. On March 16, a convoy of 140 tons of cargo, mostly sugar, left Kabul for Tashkent.

Prior to that, the shipment passed through Mumbai, Karachi and Torham. The shipment was organized by an Indian private entrepreneur. Under a recent bilateral transit trade agreement between Pakistan and Uzbekistan, trade cargo passed through Pakistan's seaport of Karachi earlier this month and was delivered to an Uzbek importer, a Pakistani official said.

"Indian trade shipments to Uzbekistan are private business under the agreement and were carried out without the involvement of the government in any of the four countries", he said.

In Kabul, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Taliban interim government held a special ceremony to facilitate the transit of Indian goods, which the Afghan side called an important step in establishing trade ties between Central and South Asia.

"Now it will become a regular activity and Uzbekistan will be able to import goods from anywhere through Pakistani seaports," said an unnamed Pakistani official.