The gross regional product in the city of Tashkent increased by 114.1% and amounted to 87.8 trillion soums

At the twenty-second plenary session, the report of the khokim of the city of Tashkent on the development of the territories was heard.

It was noted that a certain amount of work had been carried out on the comprehensive development of the city of Tashkent. For nine months of this year, the gross regional product in the city of Tashkent amounted to 87.8 trillion soums, an increase of 114.1% compared to the same period last year. The gross regional product per capita amounted to more than 31.2 million soums.

In 8 small industrial zones of Bektemir, Mirzo-Ulugbek, Almazar, Sergeli, Uchepinsky, Chilanzar, Yunusabad, Yakkasaray regions, 582 investment projects worth 1 trillion 237.3 billion soums were implemented, import-substituting products worth 239.2 billion soums were produced.

As part of the decisions on the socio-economic development of Bektemir, Uchepinsky, Shaykhantaur, Yashnabad, Yangikhayotsky regions, 120 investment projects were launched in the field of industry and services for a total of 6.8 trillion soums, about 11 thousand new jobs were created.

In total, products worth $ 911.9 million were exported, the plan was fulfilled by 137.2%, the export geography covers about 80 countries.

Based on the localization program for the production of products that are in high demand in the domestic and foreign markets, 221 projects have produced new types of products worth 2 trillion 946.6 billion soums, which is 2.5 times more than in the same period last year.