The implementation of investment projects was critically reviewed

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on accelerating the implementation of investment projects in the fields of electrical engineering and pharmaceuticals, as well as the production of competitive products.

As a result of measures to modernize these areas and expand the range of products with high added value they produce, the volume of exports has increased 1.7 times over the past three years. Exports are expected to reach $ 350 million this year.
However, it was noted at the meeting, in these two sectors there are many untapped opportunities, they should serve as a "point of growth" for the economy.

- Over the past 10 months, products worth more than $ 2 billion have been imported in two industries. This figure itself shows in which direction we should work, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

It was planned to implement 55 projects in the electrical sector this year. Of these, 26 projects have been implemented, the implementation of the rest is late.

Although more than 3 thousand drugs are produced at domestic enterprises, these are generally simple generics to manufacture.

- The pandemic opened our eyes to all of us, showed that the pharmaceutical industry is a strategic sector in terms of not only the economy, but also security. It was not for nothing that we first organized the farm zones. We must change our views on many things, the President said.

In this regard, the need to move to the production of drugs with a high level of safety and efficiency was emphasized.

The heads of sectors and regions presented information on the solution of the tasks outlined at the meeting.
