The law, which serves to increase the income of the population, was approved by the senators

Today, on July 8, the next plenary session of the Senate discussed the Law "On amendments and additions to certain legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at improving the tax and customs legislation, as well as the application of tax and customs benefits."

As noted, as a result of the improvement of the tax and customs legislation in our country, as well as in all areas, it was possible to expand the activities of individuals and legal entities, to create the necessary conditions and opportunities for them.

In order to provide additional benefits to residents and entrepreneurs, relevant changes and additions are being made to these Tax and Customs Codes.

In particular, the excise tax rate for mobile communication services is being reduced, payments of up to 3 million soums per month paid by parents (adoptees) for educational services provided to their children by non-state preschool educational organizations and schools are exempted from income tax.

In addition, the income received from the provision of paid training courses, sports clubs and other educational services organized by students on the territory of higher education institutions, the total of certain types of expenses of non-state preschool educational organizations and schools, including non-state preschool educational organizations and schools in public-private partnership, as defined by the law it is determined not to be included in income. At the meeting, it was noted that by providing temporary tax benefits to business entities, the development of services, tourism, capital market and medical sectors, the creation of new jobs and the provision of employment will be achieved.

Also, as a result of the adoption of the Law, the tax and customs system will be improved, the business environment will be improved, and as a result, the income of the population will increase.