The MIFT Administration participated at a meeting of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis

A meeting of the Committee on international relations, foreign economic relations, foreign investments and tourism of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.

It was attended by members of the Senate, the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers on investment and foreign trade, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, relevant ministries and departments, as well as the media.

The event canvassed a number of matters, like, issues to be considered at the next twenty-third plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, draft laws on ratification of the International Labor Organization's Convention on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction No. 167, on ratification of the Agreement on cooperation of the CIS member states in the prevention and suppression of counterfeit trademarks and geographical indications, as well as
the issue of establishing a commission of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation with the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.