The number of Uzbek language articles on Wikipedia has exceeded 150,000

June 30 of this year - after the President spoke about the "Wiki-scholarship" project on the Youth Day, the number of young people who are interested in the project and who want to contribute to increasing the number of articles in the Uzbek language increased noticeably.

"Increasing the number of Uzbek language articles on Wikipedia to 100,000 and posting information about Uzbekistan in foreign languages ​​will undoubtedly have a good effect. 10 billion soums will be allocated for these purposes. It is necessary to attract educated and enthusiastic young volunteers to such events and systematically encourage their activities," said Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his speech at the event.

It is known that since the start of the "Wiki-scholarship" project, as of July 3, the number of articles created on the Uzbek Wikipedia has exceeded 150 thousand. Currently, with this indicator (150 thousand 82 articles), Uzbekistan is in 58th place.

Also, the Uzbek language ranks 6th among Wikipedias in Turkic languages, after Turkish, Tatar, South Azerbaijani, Azerbaijani and Kazakh.

After the project was launched, many articles that were not available in the Uzbek Wikipedia before were posted. For example, articles about "New Uzbekistan Garden", "Zakovat" intellectual game, Samarkand bread, Hero of Uzbekistan Lola Murotova are among them.