The Nurafshon-Korea New City Project will be implemented in the administrative center of the Tashkent region

The governer of the city Nurafshan Muzaffar Saliyev, met with the deputy chairman of the Korean-Uzbek Business Association (KUBA) Kim Chan Kon.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the progress of the "Nurafshon-Korea New City Project" as well as outlined plans for the further development of bilateral cooperation.

Work on the "Nurafshon-Korea New City Project" began on April 28, 2021 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the authority of the city of Nurafshan and KUBA. The project is being implemented on an area of 150 hectares, where it is planned to create a new urban area of the South Korean type, which will also include a training center for fire fighting specialists, a hospital, a university and other facilities. Currently, active work is underway on the concept of the structure and plans for the development of the district.