The official name of the Thai capital, Bangkok, has been changed

The Thai government has decided to change the official name of Bangkok to make it easier to write in foreign languages. Now the city is called Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (translated from Thai as “City of Angels, Great Capital”).

This was stated in a statement by the Royal Academic Council of Thailand, which is responsible for developing, implementing and amending word and spelling standards.

If the new name is approved by a special committee, the official name of the capital, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, will be mentioned in all documents, including foreign languages, and Bangkok will remain the unofficial name of the city.

In Thailand, the capital has always been called Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, but this form has also been shortened. The full name of the city consists of more than 40 individual elements and is the name of the longest capital in the world.

Earlier, the Thai Cabinet approved a project to update the names of regions, countries, capitals and administrative zones. The decision to adapt foreign capital names to the sounds of native language names was made by a number of countries, including China, and changed the English name of Beijing.