The position of Uzbekistan improved in a number of international rankings

Regular meeting of the Republican Council for work with international ratings and indices was held On May 26, 2021, the press service of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis reports.

The meeting discussed the implementation of the action plan for 2021 to improve the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the priority international ratings and indices in the socio-economic, political and legal spheres.

Over the recent period, Uzbekistan has been able to improve its status in a number of international ratings of socio-economic and political-legal spheres.

Particularly, Uzbekistan increased by 16 positions, ranking 61 among 146 countries in the World Bank's Statistical Potential Index 2020 and by 2 positions (155th among 167) in the World Democracy Index 2020. In the Global Innovation Index, Uzbekistan gained 24.54 points out of 100, improved its position by 29 points compared to 2015, taking 93rd place among 131 countries and 4th place among countries of Central and South Asia.

In the World Bank's Women, Business and Law Index, Uzbekistan, having risen by 5 positions with 70.6 points, entered the list of 27 states that have implemented important reforms in the field of women's rights and gender equality, and took 134th place among 190 countries ( in 2019 - 139th).

Moreover, a “Roadmap” and a plan of additional measures were developed and approved, aimed at making additions to the plan of measures to be implemented this year, in order to further improve the country's position in the structural indicators of international ratings and indices.