The President got acquainted with the conditions in the Mehribonlik house

Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev visited the Mehribonlik House No. 21 in Tashkent today.

122 children are brought up in this institution, including 47 orphans and 75 social orphans. Qualified educators, psychologists, speech therapists, speech pathologists work in the orphanage. There are various educational and creative circles, as well as sports sections.

According to the results of this visit, it was revealed that, despite the created exemplary conditions for all pupils, it is necessary to support individual work with children. At the moment, the Mehribonlik House does not have an agency that would promote the first steps of adult pupils in independent life, their higher education and their employment.

The visit of the Head of State to such institutions is a confirmation that even if the vicissitudes of fate deprive young citizens of a family hearth, maternal and paternal warmth, the state does not leave them. And shows attention and care at the highest level.