The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received the UN Special Rapporteur

On December 7, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism Fionnualu Ni Aoline.

The visit of the high representative of the leading authoritative international structure to our country took place within the framework of the implementation of the initiatives and proposals put forward by the head of our state at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

The issues of further development of an open and constructive dialogue on the current agenda in the field of human rights, countering modern challenges and threats were considered.

The fruitful nature of interaction and the great progress achieved by our country in these important areas were noted with satisfaction.

Thus, Uzbekistan is a full member and actively participates in the activities of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). Next year, the Uzbek side will be represented in the governing bodies of this specialized institute.

Within the framework of the National Strategy on Human Rights in our country, measures are being actively carried out aimed at ensuring gender equality, freedom of speech and religion, and the development of civil society.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified. At the initiative of the Uzbek side, a resolution of the HRC was adopted on the protection of the rights of young people during a pandemic, and a corresponding convention is being developed.

In the field of security, a number of fundamental laws have been adopted, and a five-year Strategy for Countering Extremism and Terrorism has recently been approved.

The Special Rapporteur highly appreciated the efforts of Uzbekistan to return the citizens of the country within the framework of Operation Mehr, their rehabilitation and reintegration. New approaches in the fight against terrorism and extremism were especially noted.

During the conversation, special attention was paid to the continuation of close interaction, primarily the provision of technical assistance and assistance in the implementation of programs and projects in the field of enhancing the role of civil society institutions, strengthening the role of women and supporting youth, improving legislation and other areas.

An agreement was reached on holding a number of joint international events aimed at strengthening the partnership of Uzbekistan with the UN bodies and human rights institutions.