The President of Uzbekistan received the Chairman of the Parliament of Azerbaijan

On April 1, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received Chairman of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sahiba Gafarova, who is visiting our country.

The head of parliament thanked the leader of Uzbekistan for the warm welcome, conveyed sincere greetings and best wishes from the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that the basis of the strategic partnership between our countries is the common historical roots, language, religion, culture, traditions and values. Relying on this solid foundation, tangible results have been achieved in recent years in the development of bilateral cooperation.

Progress is noted in all areas of interaction - the economy, politics, inter-parliamentary relations, culture and the social sphere. There are intensive contacts, exchanges of official delegations, representatives of business and public circles at all levels.

In recent years, despite the pandemic, trade has quadrupled. Since the beginning of the year, trade has increased by 25 percent. More than 200 joint ventures have been created.

This positive dynamics was also facilitated by the establishment of a close and multifaceted partnership between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. In order to further develop interaction, it is necessary to strengthen systemic and regular cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries.

At the same time, parliaments, as direct representatives of the Uzbek and Azerbaijani peoples, should play a key role in promoting "people's diplomacy", including by strengthening ties between the regions of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, supporting economic and humanitarian projects.