The problems and shortcomings preventing the increase of the export volume are being eliminated

At the 28th plenary session of the Senate, the results of the parliamentary inquiry submitted to the Government regarding the measures taken to ensure the stable growth of the export volume and diversification of its nomenclature were considered.

At the meeting, it was noted that the government has carried out significant work aimed at eliminating existing problems and shortcomings that prevent the increase of export volume.

In particular, in order to eliminate the problems identified in connection with the parliamentary inquiry, drafts of relevant legal documents have been developed.

In particular, the draft of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the comprehensive systematization of the regulatory legal framework of the management of investments and foreign economic activity" was developed, and the draft document is aimed at the systematization of legal documents regulating the activities of the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade.

As a result of the parliamentary inquiry, measures were taken to prevent interruptions in the operation of the unified electronic information system of foreign trade operations. In particular, the program was transferred from outdated servers of the State Customs Committee to modern high-speed servers installed in the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade.

At the same time, the senators noted that there are still some shortcomings in the sector, and their elimination will serve to further increase the volume of exports. At the meeting, the State Tax Committee critically reviewed the problems of introducing the system of reimbursement of value added tax to exporting enterprises.

In addition, the senators emphasized the need to take concrete measures to introduce modern international standards of insurance activity and pre-export financing in Uzbekistan as soon as possible.

At the end of the discussions, the relevant decision of the Senate was adopted.