There are over 333 thousand LLCs in Uzbekistan

As of May 1, 2022, a total of 352,131 LLCs are registered in Uzbekistan.
Currently, of which 333,210 are operating.

Below you can see the number of LLCs operating in the regions of Uzbekistan:

Tashkent city – 82 653;

Tashkent region – 34 572;

Andijan – 29 163;

Samarkand – 25 605;

Fergana – 24 041;

Namangan– 21 827;

Bukhara – 20 987;

Kashkadarya – 17 988;

Republic of Karakalpakstan – 15 205;

Jizzakh– 14 125;

Surkhandarya – 12 306;

Koherzm – 12 185;

Navoi – 11 483;

Syrdarya – 11 070.