Uzbek boxers earned six gold medals

Sofia, Bulgaria, hosted the prestigious international boxing tournament "Stranja Cup" on February 22-27.

Considered as a unique "small world championship", the tournament was organized for the 73rd time in history. It was attended by more than 370 male and female boxers from 37 countries.

The competition was held in 13 weight categories for males and 12 weight categories for females. The national team of Uzbekistan participated in the tournament with 8 male and 5 female boxers and won 6 gold and one bronze medal.

Fortunately, at the end of the competition, the national team of Uzbekistan took first place in the team event. Russia finished second with five gold medals, while the national team of Kazakhstan finished in the top three with 4 gold medals. Our neighbors won two gold medals in the men's and women's competitions.

Lazizbek Mullajonov, the heaviest boxer in uzbek national team, who also entered the ring in the +92 kg weight category, also won a gold medal yesterday.

Uzbek boxers who won prizes in our national team:

Gold medal:

-51 kg: Hasanboy Dusmatov,
-57 kg: Abdumalik Khalakov,
-63.5 kg: Mujibillo Tursunov,
-80 kg: Odiljon Aslonov,
-92 kg: Madiyar Saidrahimov,
+92 kg: Lazizbek Mullajonov.

Bronze medal:

-52 kg: Tursunoy Rahimova

P.S: Uzbek national team members will return to Uzbekistan tonight, on the night of February 28 to March 1, at 02:00 am.