Uzbekistan and Pakistan: Joint declaration on the next steps in the strategic partnership

During his visit to Pakistan, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev exchanged views on cooperation with the country's leaders, identified priorities for expanding trade and economic cooperation, and the results of the talks were reflected in the documents.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan held negotiations in a narrow format.

The meeting focused on intensifying the strategic partnership between the two countries, developing political, commercial, economic and investment cooperation.

On the eve of the visit of the President of Uzbekistan, Islamabad hosted a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, a business forum and political consultations.

Uzbekistan and Pakistan have supported each other in the international arena, including within the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Economic Cooperation Organization.

During the visit, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan continued talks with the participation of official delegations of the two countries.

The issues of progressing cooperation in political, trade, economic, investment, transport and logistics, tourism and culture were addressed at the meeting.

“The peoples of Uzbekistan and Pakistan, located on the ancient Silk Road, have always shared a common history, a common language and a rich spiritual heritage. Today we are reviving these old traditions. We are pleased that our interstate relations have reached the level of strategic partnership,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted.

Uzbek President mentioned that in the short run there is an opportunity to boost bilateral trade to $ 500 million US, and in the future to $ 1 billion US, and outlined key directions in this regard.

The talks in Islamabad ended with the signing of bilateral documents.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister Imran Khan signed a Joint Declaration on the future steps of the strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

What is more, about 10 documents like agreements on preferential trade between governments and agencies, cooperation in the field of environmental protection, pilgrimage tourism, railways, Surkhandarya region and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Tashkent and Islamabad were signed.

In addition, agreements on joint trade and investment projects worth $ 800 million US were reached at the business forum on the eve of the visit.