Uzbekistan has joined Moroccan agreement on the blind

Uzbekistan has enrolled in the “Moroccan agreement” on facilitating the use of published works by the visually impaired and visually impaired. This was stated in the January 12 presidential Decree, the press service of the Ministry of Justice reported.

According to the document, the Agency for Information and Mass Communications has been designated as the competent authority responsible for the implementation of this international agreement.

After coming into force, the fulfillment of Uzbekistan's obligations will be ensured by the Cabinet of Ministers and the heads of relevant ministries and departments.

For information, the agreement, of which Uzbekistan is a member, was adopted on June 27, 2013 in Morocco and put into practice on September 30, 2016. The agreement is part of the World Intellectual Property Organization's copyright system.

Today, there are more than 72,000 blind people in Uzbekistan. About 52,000 of them are readers. There are 138 libraries for the blind in the country.