Uzbekistan increases natural gas production by 8.3%

The production of natural gas in Uzbekistan since the beginning of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020 has increased by more than 8%, that is, by 2.7 billion cubic meters, according to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan.
In January - August 2021, the country produced 35.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
“This year Uzbekistan imported 917 million cubic meters of gas. This is a big figure. Secondly, we import, pay money for it, deliver using foreign currency. What will happen in the future? It would be correct to say that the $ 1.4 billion allocated over the past three years is not working. People are very unhappy with us because of the light and especially the gas, ”Mirziyoyev said.
In August, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev issued specific instructions for the stable supply of consumers with oil and gas, the supply of industries and the population with natural gas, liquefied gas and oil products. Domestic consumers are declared the priority for gas supply.
In August, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev issued specific instructions for the stable provision of consumers with oil and gas, the supply of the economy and the population with natural and liquefied gas, oil products. The priority is the provision of gas to household consumers.