Uzbekistan plans to surrender Damas vehicles

This model will be superseded by buses and minibuses.
This year, the draft Roadmap for the implementation of the Development Strategy for 2022-2026 envisages the gradual replacement of Damas routes in regional centers with buses and minibuses.

It is projected to develop a draft program to improve the passenger transport system. The main objectives of the project are:

To boost the coverage of settlements with public transport to 95%;

To increase the share of public transport in medium and large cities from 22% to 35%;

To gradually supersede “Damas” routes with bus and minibuses in region centers;

To construct 52 auto station and reconstruct 29 ones;

To launch 278 new bus routes;

To launch 60 new bus routes among cities;

To improve the system of monitoring the compliance of bus drivers with work and rest.

Earlier, it was reported that by 2026 Uzbekistan intends to manufacture electric cars.