Uzbekistan-Poland: new opportunities and agreements

The 7th meeting of the Uzbek-Polish Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation was heldunder the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abidov and Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labor and Technology of the Republic of Poland R. Tomanek.The meeting was also attended by heads of relevant ministries, departments, industry associations and joint-stock companies of the two countries.The agenda included a wide range of issues of bilateral investment, trade and economic, financial, technical, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.During their speeches, the heads of the two delegations emphasized the huge untapped potential in the development of partnerships to attract investments, implement mutually beneficial projects and increase the volume of mutual trade through the entry of Uzbek and Polish manufacturers into the markets of the two countries.Prospects for expanding cooperation in the banking and financial sector were discussed. An agreement was reached on attracting by Uzbek commercial banks credit lines from Polish banks in the amount of about $ 100 million to finance private sector projects in Uzbekistan.An agreement was signed increase of trade turnover by establishing closer cooperation between the relevant ministries and departments of the two countries, as well as by establishing a regular exchange of information on goods and services that are in sufficient demand in the markets of the two countries, their manufacturers and potential customers.The parties will take measures to speed up the signing of a number of agreements in such areas as agriculture, health care, tourism, education and other promising areas.Following the meeting, a final protocol was signed, reflecting the key agreements reached during the event and the main vectors for further deepening the multifaceted cooperation of the two states.