As part of the “INNOPROM" exhibition.Strategic session of "Big Industrial Week ”was held with the participation of the Heads of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, The Russian Federation, and heads of industrial companies and cooperative regions.The main topic of discussion is the strategy of industrial development in the post-covid period.- Features of international cooperation and restoration of trade and economic ties- Industrial innovation as a driver of economic growth- Uzbekistan and the world: a country open to partnership and investmentSardor Umurzakov - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Investments and Foreign Economic Relations, Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia were among major participants and mainl speakers.During his opening speech, Sardor Umurzakova noted: "Now, more than ever before, the digitalization of economies, the accelerated introduction of high technologies and innovations, the strengthening and expansion of industrial ties and the development of international cooperation with the active involvement of the private sector in this are becoming relevant"The INNOPROM exhibition os held on April 5-7 at Tashkent "Uzexpocentre"