Currently, the head of our state is making a speech

We have every reason to say that in recent years you have become the mainstay and locomotive of our economy and reforms. In the image of our business compatriots like you, we see the creators of a new Uzbekistan.
90% of the jobs created annually in our country are in the private sector. Currently, they employ more than 5 million people, especially our youth. If we want to further raise our economy, we need to create all the opportunities and conditions for the development of entrepreneurship.

In the next 3-4 years, we have created many new opportunities and conditions for an entrepreneur in such matters as obtaining loans and subsidies, licensing, ownership of real estate and resources, export. Excessive checks, existing restrictions on cash, foreign exchange and commodities, most of the barriers have been removed.

Most of all, the attitude towards entrepreneurs among the population and in state structures has changed, their authority and position in society are becoming higher every day. As a result, a class of entrepreneurs began to form in the domestic and foreign markets, which have their strong place, authority and brand, ”said Shavkat Mirziyoyev