All professional centers in Kashkadarya will be integrated into the system of Uzbekneftegaz

Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced this at a meeting with voters in the Kashkadarya region.

"I held talks with the chairman of the board of Uzbekneftegaz, Mehriddin Abdullayev. In Kashkadarya, we will create a new training system with the participation of this company. This will use the experience of 5 large oil and gas enterprises operating in the region. Now all professional centers in the region will be attached to the two largest companies - Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex and Mubarak Gas Processing Plant.

This means that the specialists of these enterprises will develop plans for the training of specialists in demand in the region, revise curricula and methods based on practice, and ensure the process of passing the practice in their specialty.

The new mono-center will train young people in IT, train operators of complex equipment and other high-tech specialists. In addition, in each district in five, and only in 90 professional educational institutions of the region, young people and the unemployed will be trained in a profession free of charge, depending on their specialization.

Thanks to this system, over the next five years, more than 150 thousand unemployed and young people will be trained in entrepreneurship and professions. In addition, craft centers will be built in Shahrisabz, Kitab, Kasbi and Karshi, where more than 15 thousand young people will be trained, "Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.