Ministry of Economy to sign agreements for $ 6.6 billion

A two-day economic forum on the theme "Uzbekistan: Achievements of Economic Reforms and Their Prospects" starts in Tashkent.

At the Tashkent Economic Forum, which kicked off on September 29, agreements and loans worth $ 6.6 billion will be signed. This was announced by the Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Jamshid Kuchkarov.

“A number of major agreements will be signed at this forum. In particular, in the field of privatization agreements will be reached in the amount of $ 600 million, on public-private partnership projects - for $ 2.6 billion, foreign loans worth $ 3.4 billion have been signed, ”Kuchkarov said.

The first day of the forum will be devoted to new plans for the country's economic growth and related challenges. Within its framework, there will be a discussion on regional cooperation and human capital development, a panel dialogue on the role of economic openness in ensuring competitiveness.

On the second day, the focus will be on privatization, small and medium business development, Uzbekistan's place in global supply chains and sustainable energy.