BFA and the National Bank conducts the "FinTech & VR" hackathon among professionals and youth

On October 2-3, the Banking and Finance Academy, with the support of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in cooperation with commercial banks, fintech companies and educational institutions, is holding the FinTech & VR hackathon.

The purpose of the hackathon is to increase interest in digital technologies and the selection of IT specialists, because the development of information technologies today is the most important priority task not only for our state, but for the whole world.

Students of schools and higher and secondary educational institutions, professional specialists, as well as young people who are passionate about IT technologies can take part.

The winners will take part in a free 3-month Acceleration Program with the participation of mentors from Australia, USA, Germany, Kazakhstan and Russia), the most successful 5-6 startups will be able to apply for attracting foreign investment.

Applications are accepted until September 30 inclusive on the TG channel.