Entrepreneurs of Syrdarya and Surkhandarya are exempt from taxes

The deputies adopted in the first reading the law on tax incentives for entrepreneurs who suffered from the breakthrough of the dam of the Sardobin reservoir.

According to him, from May 1, 2020 to November 1, 2022, livestock, poultry and fish farms affected by an emergency in Sardoba, Akaltyn and Mirzaabad districts of Syrdarya region are exempted from payment of land tax and property tax of legal entities.

Also, until January 1, 2024, new and existing business entities in the Bandikhan, Kyzyryk, Muzrabat and Sherabad districts of the Surkhandarya region are exempt from taxes.

"Support for entrepreneurs in regions affected by natural disasters in the country, as well as the creation of tax incentives for citizens living in some saline areas, will give an impetus to improve the living standards of the population living in this area," the MPs said.